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Arduino Lcd Keypad Shield Lcd1602 Input Output Expansion Board Arduino
- Stock: Out Of Stock
- Brand: xcluma
- Model: BE-000117
- Weight: 53.00g
- MPN: BE-000117
(GST +18%Extra)
Arduino LCD Keypad Shield
This is a 16x2 LCD and Keypad shield for Arduino Uno, Diecimila, Duemilanove and Freeduino boards.
Blue Backlight with white words
uses 4 Bit Arduino LCD Library
Left, Right, Up, Down and Select buttons
Screen contrast adjustment
Arduino Reset button
The board uses different pins to the Arduino example sketches, so to make the display work, use the following sequence of pins when starting the library:
LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);
The buttons are connected to only one analog input pin through resistors to give a different voltage for each button, thus saving on input/output pins. Reading the buttons is easy and example code is shown below
Pin Connections
Pin Function
Analog 0 Buttons (select, up, right, down and left)
Digital 4 DB4
Digital 5 DB5
Digital 6 DB6
Digital 7 DB7
Digital 8 RS (Data or Signal Display Selection)
Digital 9 Enable
Digital 10
Backlit Control
HIGH = Backlight on
LOW = Backlight off
Use PWM signal to control brightness
Installing library:
Download and unzipped the library folder , and place it to the Arduino libraries directory. Once the library is correctly installed, the file structureshould look like:
Open the example from file -> Examples -> LDC4Bit_mod -> LCD4Bit_modExample.
The example should provide enough information to show you how to work with the LCD and all the buttons.